“I’m Riding with the Big Boys Now!”

Slice of LIfe
This slice is part of  the 17th annual Slice of Life Story Challenge on  Two Writing Teachers! #sol24 I’m slicing every day this month, for the 11th year! Wahoo!!! Thanks for stopping by. 🙂

When I walked into the Ohio rest stop bathroom, I heard someone chatting. She had a southern accent, and I couldn’t tell if she was talking to someone else in the bathroom, to herself, or on the phone. That might sound weird, but I was trying not to pay attention to her, and there was someone else in the bathroom, so who could tell?

“…drove 600 miles yesterday.” I heard her say, and I didn’t hear anyone respond.

When I went to wash my hands, I noticed that she was on the phone. Phew! At least she wasn’t having a long conversation with herself in the ladies room of a rest stop.

I couldn’t help but focus on what she was saying, and her amazing southern voice made it extra interesting to be honest. (I love listening to people speaking in different accents!)

“Yesterday I hitched the trailer up by myself for the first time. It felt great.” She said.

Then she added, “I’m riding with the big boys now!”

I glanced at her noticing her casual jeans and ball cap, as I walked to meet my sons. I couldn’t stop smiling. I don’t know how many female truck drivers there are, although my google search later tells me that it was under 5% in 2021, but in 2022 it went up to 14%. Still, I don’t see many driving trucks I pass on my road trips. So, maybe that’s why I was so proud of this stranger and couldn’t help but laugh with the joy of hearing her own pride come through in her phone call.

My two sons wondered why I was smiling and laughing when I met them outside the restroom, so I tried to explain what I had heard.

“I’m riding with the big boys now!” I ended, trying to do the southern accent without sounding like I was mocking anyone.

“I can’t be sure, but I think this woman was a new truck driver. It was cool to hear her so proud of herself! ‘I’m riding with the big boys now!’”

The boys rolled their eyes at me, as is their often reaction. At first I was annoyed by their apathy about this story, this woman. Then I wondered if maybe it was a good thing that they didn’t think this was unusual.

Maybe they don’t think it’s anything worth talking about because they just aren’t surprised by badass women.

(They do live with me, you know…)

10 thoughts on ““I’m Riding with the Big Boys Now!”

  1. Loved getting this slice of your life. Your concluding comment is perfect!
    I recently met someone in our congregation who told me she drove a UPS truck. I imagined the kind that deliver in our neighborhood, but no, she drives with the big boys too! I was so impressed.

  2. I loved this slice! And I loved your reference to your guys, unfazed by female badassery since they’ve been immersed in it for so long. You go, mama!

    For the record…I wanted to be a truck driver when I was little, so bravo to this woman for living out my dream =)

  3. Great story! I have driven across country 6 times in a car and have a dream of retiring and becoming a long haul trucker! I want ride with the big boys! What fun!

  4. Great slice! I love that feeling in which you just want to high-five another woman and tell them what a bad-ass they are. And I love your ending here – totally true.

  5. It’s this line for me: Maybe they don’t think it’s anything worth talking about because they just aren’t surprised by badass women.
    Because I’d like to think it’s the truth 😉

  6. Haha! Such a fun post. I like the way you made me feel about the woman talking on the phone in the stall. Yes, for raising boys who expect there to be badass women.

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