#sol15 March 19 Choices

Slice of LIfe  I am participating in the March Slice of Life Challenge: A slice a day for all of March.  You should do it too!  Thank you, Two Writing Teachers! Readers, check out their site, and start slicing! 


Choices. Mr. Thought’s video editing world has a choice to offer. “Fast, cheap, or good – pick any 2.”

I was thinking about this a lot today… the choices I have to make each day. Sometimes I can pick 1, sometimes any two…

Morning: Press snooze, shower, or gather my coffee and lunch?

Drive to school: Radio, mindfulness, or plan?

Planning: Fast, thorough, or copies made?

Grading: On time, efficient, or  thorough?

Planning Period: Students, paperwork, or recharge?

After school: Catch up on work, get home early, or exercise?

At home: Kids, dinner, or work?

After kids go to bed: Clean, write, or prepare?

After writing: Pack lunches, read or go to bed?

What choices are you making each day?



4 thoughts on “#sol15 March 19 Choices

  1. I’ve been a lot better about being mindful of my decisions throughout the day, but I have to admit that many of my decisions are still mindlessly habit-driven.

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