#sol17 March 15 A slice of mama worry

Slice of LIfe


 I am participating in the March Slice of Life Challenge: A slice a day for bloggingwithstudentsall of March.  You should do it too!  Thank you, Two Writing Teachers! Readers, check out their site, and start slicing!


All day a voice in the back of my head has told me that E is not feeling good enough to go to school tomorrow. Maybe it’s his puffy face, his slow walk, or his pink-is-it-a-rash? face. It could be how hard it has been to wake him up in the morning, how many times he stopped playing and just sat on the couch, almost napping. But, I think it’s mostly the way he has walked over to me more than a dozen times, put his head on my shoulder and said, “I  love you, Mama. I just want to snuggle you.” A few times he has been even more dramatic, mouthing “I love you, Mama” from across the room, or saying in a sweet voice, “I love you, Mama. I’ll love you until the day you die, and then even when you’re dead.” Seven year old boys, in my experience, are very specific and honest with their love.

So, after getting him to sleep, all cozy in my bed, I took another look at his sweet, puffy, red-cheeked face. I walked downstairs and I put in for a guest teacher tomorrow.

I feel guilty of course, another day of sub plans, another day away from my classroom… but sometimes a mama has to do what a mama has to do. And I think if you saw E today, you’d understand.




1 thought on “#sol17 March 15 A slice of mama worry

  1. This is probably one of the few professions where we feel guilty not going to work in order to stay home with our babies. As teachers, we have two sets of children—our own families, but also the beauty of loving and caring for a whole other set of children that families entrust to us. It definitely tugs at the heart strings. I have to remind myself that my own children are just as important as everyone else’s children, and at times, require more of my attention. This was such a timely post. Thanks. ….and we should never feel guilty about doing what’s right for our kids. 🙂

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