#Sol18 March 18 Daily in March

Slice of LIfe

I am participating in the March Slice of Life Challenge: A slice a day for all of March.  You should do it too!  Thank you, Two Writing Teachers! Readers, check out their site, and start slicing! 

Daily, in March 
I write
make coffee
do dishes
do some laundry
ask the kids to please help 
     Please, clean their rooms
I go to bed too late
I shun sugar
I sneak some sugar
I make more coffee
I try to drink a lot of water

E checks the countdown to Easter and then countdown to summer
L asks to go look at the cats and dogs at the shelter soon 
H sits and slices
The kids ask for us to "please pay just $2.00 for a new game"
We ask the kids to "please take the dog for a walk"

We work
our to do list grows
our kids grow

Thankfully we also laugh
Daily, in March


13 thoughts on “#Sol18 March 18 Daily in March

  1. So much to do – always. Fitting in those slices is tough. But they make us become more fully who we are meant to be. Great post of daily lives. Either distractions or inspirations!

  2. I’d never thought about all the other things that happen in March. My thinking is so dominated by slicing! Have I written, what am I going to write about, when do I have time to write, etc. I really love this poem. Powerful use of repeating first and last lines and all the twists and turns in between.

  3. There is something so comforting in reading your slice. The day to day conversations and events captured so beautifully. I particularly smiled at the children begging for $2 and the parents begging to have the dog walked.

  4. This is so true. Especially yesterday when commenting consumed my life. I like the way you put the monthly madness into a poem and seek help from the kids.

  5. I love feeling like I entered into your family’s daily life in the month of March. Your ending, “We work
    our to do list grows
    our kids grow”
    shows that all the while, life is moving forward, and we are growing in many directions!

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