
Slice of LIfePart of Slice of Life by Two Writing Teachers


I’m not saying that it’s quite as easy to find the joy each day, remotely.

Even before pandemic times
Before The Quarantine,
There were days.

Days when
meetings overtook
people were mean
things got canceled
I didn’t see a child,
(other than my own and they were grumpy that day, for sure)

There’s a reason I have a wine glass that says

On those days,
Before pandemic times
Before Quarantine
I sometimes had to look for joy

And maybe I learned that looking for joy
is how you find it

Now it’s pandemic times
The Quarantine

Now I have to look for joy
It doesn’t pop up on its own and wave its hands in the air as often as normal

But it’s still important.
Because I’ve learned that looking for joy
is how you find it

Even if you are looking into your computer screen at little boxes
reading emails instead of faces
walking down your steps instead of around a school

Some people have reminded me that I don’t have to keep finding joy
posting videos, sharing every day
“It’s a pandemic!”
“Cut yourself some slack!”
“You don’t owe videos to anyone!”

But I do.
I owe it to myself
I owe it to myself to keep looking for joy


(Check out my #findthejoy videos on Twitter and Facebook @OnaFeinberg … and join in! See what happens when you look for joy!)

2 thoughts on “#FindTheJoy

  1. I so agree with you! Purposefully intending to find the joy makes all the difference. I burst out laughing with these lines, “Now I have to look for joy / It doesn’t pop up on its own and wave its hands in the air as often as normal” – so true! Thank you for sharing and I can’t wait to #findthejoy.

  2. I so enjoy your #findthejoy videos! I know it must be hard some days to make them. But I know that they have reminded me that there is joy in every day if I take the time to look!

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