A Slice of… What If?

Slice of LIfe

Part of Slice of Life by Two Writing Teachers. Head over there for information and links to more Slicing!

The end of winter vacation, 2 hour delays...What if? 

What If

What if
every morning, we had time to
cook and pack hot lunches
play scrabble junior
and do yoga?
                          and 2 hour delays didn't mean that
                          I'm still late leaving
                          because my son needs a time out
                          as I walk out 
                          the door?

What if
every time I came home I saw
kids playing outside
and had time to bake banana bread
and dinner?
                           and the kitchen miraculously
                           cleaned itself, floors included
                           and kids hung their snow pants up
                           without being asked?

What if
evenings were always full
of calm homework
and bingo
and time to help with piano practice?
                             and pencils weren't lost,
                             sharpeners always worked
                             bingo pieces didn't fall 
                             and nobody cried at the piano

What if
bedtime was always full of
just the right snuggles
and bedtime stories
and whispers of
"I love you Mama?"
                              and I didn't fall asleep
                              to wake up groggy, an hour later
                              to emails and grading and                

"Would 5 extra hours in your day be enough?"
my husband asks,
like George Bailey offering to "lasso the moon."

I don't know.

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