#Sol18 March 4 What If?

Slice of LIfe  

I am participating in the March Slice of Life Challenge: A slice a day for all of March.  You should do it too!  Thank you, Two Writing Teachers! Readers, check out their site, and start slicing!

What if every day were like the Sunday of spring break?
How many scones would we have for breakfast?
How much would I spend at Target?
How many seltzer waters would we go through?
How much laundry would beckon me?
How long would the vacuum sit waiting?
How clean would the counter stay?

What if every day were like the Sunday of spring break?
Would I read all the books?
Would I write thousands of words?
Would I always make Sunday dinner?
Would the sun keep shining in the blue sky for all the dog walks?
Would there always be a peaceful hour of quiet between the errands?
Would there be enough legos to build?

I think I’d like if every day were like the Sunday of spring break.


6 thoughts on “#Sol18 March 4 What If?

  1. You capture the elation and possibility with all of your small details. “How much would I spend at Target?” LOL. I look forward to reading more of your Spring Break Slices!

  2. I love Sunday! It’s the most relaxing day of my week. We’ve made a rule that Sunday is family day – no parties or play dates. I even stay out of the stores! 🙂

  3. I love the “how much…” and then “would I…” format of your two verses.
    You move from guilt to hopes and values.
    And I really love the line “would there be enough legos to build?” So unexpected and warm and wonderful! I hope you have someone special that you build with, and hope you find the time for it, even when it is not the Sunday during spring break!!!

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