#sol22 March 17 Imperfect Limericks

Slice of LIfe
Part of Slice of Life by Two Writing Teachers March Slice a Day Challenge! I’m slicing every day this month. Thanks for stopping by!

I wrote a limerick example as one way
To help teachers who write find a slice today
But now I’m conflicted
Am I addicted?
Or, is it maybe okay?

Teacher Writers
This March there are some teachers
For writing, they don’t sit in the bleachers
They know there’s a way
To Slice every day
They’re part of our schools’ best features

Speaking of School
There once was a year so academic
You couldn’t tell there’d been a pandemic
I’m kidding you know
It does totally show
Because the trauma is systemic!

All the learners in school wear a mask
It’s not really a whole lot to ask
But on Monday, it’s true
It’ll be optional for you
I hope the teachers are up for the task

Thought I’d come home for a quick little walk
Take the dog once or twice ‘round the block
But the cat dragged his butt
And there was poop in his strut
So I mopped and kept checking the clock

I was happy to run a teacher-writers meeting
We were writing and talking, I was happily leading
Until I couldn’t unmute
That was really a hoot
My leadership? Unfortunately was fleeting!

I could just use the limericks I’ve already written
Imperfect, I know but still, I am smitten
I’m hooked for sure
And I’ve looked, there’s no cure
So I hope my limerick slices will still fit in!

4 thoughts on “#sol22 March 17 Imperfect Limericks

  1. What a fun way to share your slice! It was fun to get a glimpse of your day through these nuggets of poetry. My favorite is the poem about masks–we just went to mask-optional a few weeks ago, so that one in particular felt close to home!

  2. I like how you added more than just one limerick. It is definitely addicting! After logging off, I thought about everything I was doing in a limerick form haha

  3. I managed one such poem and called it a day. Now I can see I underachieved or perhaps avoided a potentially abusive relationship. Whatever the case, I enjoyed immensely the stanzas you made.

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